Katcho is back with another big release: EX-Ranza, known outside of Japan as Ranger-X!
This is quite a big release and with 4 bonus tracks which are unused during normal gameplay.
Also, this marks an important milestone in our project as this is the first release made using the new and improved VGM Player, courtesy of the immensely talented Deadfish Shitware.
We’ve already discussed what’s changed from the previous version but the two big things, to put it short are:
1 – The old VGM Player’s speed was off by 0,00479%. Yes, that’s a ridiculously small amount and I’d dare anyone telling the difference, but there it is. Now we have perfect timing down to each cycle.
2 – We’re now able to completely disable video circuitry while recording, thus reducing noise to an imperceptible amount.
Katcho himself reported that he really couldn’t tell a difference from our previous VGM Player, which should tell you a lot about how we’re splitting hairs here, but as people have been using our releases to improve their own work (mainly emulation – including FPGAs) we now take it upon ourselves to provide the best quality and most accurate rips of Mega Drive material.
I hope I’ll have some time in the near future to write a small article about a recent discovery which has put us even closer to our ultimate goal.
A small hint: in a previous article, where we talked about MDFourier, we said how we made a complete shot in the dark by choosing a particular Mega Drive revision along with a fix for its output stage, hoping that it would come close to what a developer kit would sound like. Well, we have now one evidence that we might have done just the right choice.
Thanks to Katcho for another contribution and all of you for following us and stay tuned for more information!