Well, I guess people have spoken and it looks like that, after all, you wanted more Neo Geo releases.
Not sure why the previous one (yeah, we released the first Metal Slug a week ago) didn’t get traction at all, maybe you don’t like the first ‘slug soundtrack? It’s one of my all time favorites! :'(
Anyway, there are going to be more Neo Geo releases in the future along with other arcade games (I have some PCBs).
Meanwhile, I think I’ll do a new poll on Twitter tomorrow (Facebook removed the option, thanks Mark) to see if you’d be interested in an in-depth article about how we’re ripping music from the Neo, so stay tuned!
Hope you’ll enjoy this release as much as I did recording it. This one is my all time favorite arcade games and it holds a special place in my heart.
And for those “in the know”, I’ll make a statement here, feel free to flame me for this…
2 > X
See you! ;D