This is a terrific post wrote by one of the Ecco PC: Fixed & Enhanced version authors Klaimen in our forum, in occasion of their updated release, version 1.1! Since one of the main updates in this revision is the use of our high quality soundtrack, he decided to delight us with a “Making of”, taking us along the course of all the work they’ve been through.
We, at the 16-bit Audiophile Project, welcome his initiative and wish him and all the staff of his project all the best in the future.
Yesterday I released the Ecco PC Fixed and Enhanced Edition v1.1 on Caverns of Hope (! As you probably know already, the update features the 16bit Audiophile release of Ecco the Dolphin as a soundtrack option, as well the corresponding sound effects! I wanted to take this chance to talk a bit about the release, its production, how it enhances the game, and how to activate it ingame :)