The new release is on its way!

A very quick update: the new release has been recorded and it’s almost ready to go out.

There’s always the same problem of uploading it since I’m still having issues with my home server – eventually I’ll have to upload it myself again and this will take quite a while.

Fix Week ended!

Alright, the fix week has ended, here’s a list of things that have been fixed:

  • Updated informations in the FAQ section
  • Corrected small things in the Media section
  • Fixed some broken links throughout the website
  • Updated informations in the Links & Stuff section, with the new staff and contacts to get in touch with them
  • Updated the torrent links in the Releases forum
  • Updated the Master List in the Release forum
  • Added a new thread in the Request forum, explaining how we choose which release to do next
  • Updated the Request Example Thread
  • Fixed the Sonic 3D Green Grove Zone: Act 2 track
  • Updated the entire Sonic 3D soundtrack with new HD Youtube Videos and new Covers, these will be uploaded by the end of this week.

That’s all I think, as you can see we’ve done quite a bit and a new release is on its way, so stay tuned!

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Fix week and other news!

It’s Fix Week!

This week we’ll be focusing on fixing stuff around the project such as missing tracks, mis-recorded tracks, updating the youtube videos with the higher quality ones and fixing broken links and other things around the website.

I’d also like to welcome our new forum moderator, Roareye!
Thanks to him I’ll have a bit more free time and won’t have to check the forums several times a day.

Also, I’d like to point out a change in the request rule: from now on since our staff member Truepack will be doing custom covers for us, you won’t have to post the cover of the game you’re requesting!
This means that if you want you can still post the cover to make the request thread nice looking and I’ll be grateful for that, but you won’t have to.

Last but not least: there are people asking to use our material and it is ok to us.
The policy is you’re free to use everything in our project as long as you tell us before doing so and give credit to our project either by putting a link to our website, facebook page or youtube channel.

Well, that’s all! Here’s the schedule for our Fix Week:

  • Updating as much videos in the Youtube Channel as possible
  • Fix the track “Green Grove Act 2” from Sonic 3D
  • Look for broken links and fix them
  • Delete the request threads with lists in them
  • Update the Request Example Thread

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Finally the new release is out!


UPDATE: The Hi-res tracks are online!!!

The first thing you’ll (sadly) find out about this release is that it is lacking the hi-res downloads – why?
Unluckily, one of the parts of the server were DOA (Dead On Arrival – broken) so I have to send it back and wait for it to arrive again, thus I had to upload the tracks myself with my snail slow connection and I managed to only have the MP3 and FLAC ones online (which is a bummer, the 96/24 tracks really shines in this release).

The second thing you’ll notice is that this is no ordinary release, it is a special release due to a 6 month old request made by user Pig_Saint in the forums. My sincerest apologies to him for having him wait so long, the request system was clearly flawed and it had to be changed.
He requested only the omake tracks from the game, here’s what he said about this rare gem:

Well… I’ll try to explain what “omake music” means with my English. Game soundtrack released by Technosoft years ago. Perfect tracks including some awful unpublished remasterings. But this game has ten Omake themes (I think omake means “extra” in Japanese) NOT included on this official CD. To unlock these tracks in sound test it’s necessary to beat the game in any difficult level. In options menu, you can select “0 Lives” and get the 100 tries for every continue (600 lives total) and it’s easy to complete (game is so hard even in easy), but it has ten long levels and it takes its time. After beat the game, just go to options and omake tracks will be added to sound test. Sometimes I hear these tracks on some YouTube RIPs, but this bad quality burst me into tears.

I think this is probably one of the best soundtracks in videogame history.”

This time you’ll burst in tears of joy as this is a truly amazing release and it sounds awesome although quite a bit bassy! I was thinking about equalizing it a bit to tone the bass down a bit but then it would be against our principles (and, besides, you can tone down the bass by yourself if you need it).

Now, when will the HD tracks will be online along with the torrent?
Sadly, I don’t know.
It depends on the seller and when he’ll ship back the part I need to fix my server.
Meanwhile we’ll go one with another release the next week – we’ve lost a huge amount of time due to these technical problems and we don’t want to delay our other releases anymore!

Alright, that’s it, go straight to our Media page to get the new release and enjoy!

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Small technical issues

Quick update – I’m having some technical issues with my server at home and I’m unable to upload the release files to Haggar so that he can bring the downloads and torrents online.

I should be receiving new stuff to fix my server tomorrow or in the next week but I really want to underline that the release is ready, we just have to upload it for you guys, so make sure to check back in a few days!

New Youtube admin and a new release ready!


It seems like that, despite the never ending problems we’ve been encountering so far, we just keep on finding solutions and getting new stuff out! But that’s our spirit, never surrender, never give up.

I’ll be introducing you to our new staff member in a few days (and update the website information as well) when the new release will be out.

I’m just anticipating that it will be no ordinary release, but a special one focussed on a very old request (it was among the first ones!) and it sounds INCREDIBLE, it will be a must have for all of you!

We’ve also a bit of news about the youtube videos, I’ll talk about them in the next post.

Stay tuned!!!

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