Finally the new release is out!


UPDATE: The Hi-res tracks are online!!!

The first thing you’ll (sadly) find out about this release is that it is lacking the hi-res downloads – why?
Unluckily, one of the parts of the server were DOA (Dead On Arrival – broken) so I have to send it back and wait for it to arrive again, thus I had to upload the tracks myself with my snail slow connection and I managed to only have the MP3 and FLAC ones online (which is a bummer, the 96/24 tracks really shines in this release).

The second thing you’ll notice is that this is no ordinary release, it is a special release due to a 6 month old request made by user Pig_Saint in the forums. My sincerest apologies to him for having him wait so long, the request system was clearly flawed and it had to be changed.
He requested only the omake tracks from the game, here’s what he said about this rare gem:

Well… I’ll try to explain what “omake music” means with my English. Game soundtrack released by Technosoft years ago. Perfect tracks including some awful unpublished remasterings. But this game has ten Omake themes (I think omake means “extra” in Japanese) NOT included on this official CD. To unlock these tracks in sound test it’s necessary to beat the game in any difficult level. In options menu, you can select “0 Lives” and get the 100 tries for every continue (600 lives total) and it’s easy to complete (game is so hard even in easy), but it has ten long levels and it takes its time. After beat the game, just go to options and omake tracks will be added to sound test. Sometimes I hear these tracks on some YouTube RIPs, but this bad quality burst me into tears.

I think this is probably one of the best soundtracks in videogame history.”

This time you’ll burst in tears of joy as this is a truly amazing release and it sounds awesome although quite a bit bassy! I was thinking about equalizing it a bit to tone the bass down a bit but then it would be against our principles (and, besides, you can tone down the bass by yourself if you need it).

Now, when will the HD tracks will be online along with the torrent?
Sadly, I don’t know.
It depends on the seller and when he’ll ship back the part I need to fix my server.
Meanwhile we’ll go one with another release the next week – we’ve lost a huge amount of time due to these technical problems and we don’t want to delay our other releases anymore!

Alright, that’s it, go straight to our Media page to get the new release and enjoy!

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Small technical issues

Quick update – I’m having some technical issues with my server at home and I’m unable to upload the release files to Haggar so that he can bring the downloads and torrents online.

I should be receiving new stuff to fix my server tomorrow or in the next week but I really want to underline that the release is ready, we just have to upload it for you guys, so make sure to check back in a few days!

New Youtube admin and a new release ready!


It seems like that, despite the never ending problems we’ve been encountering so far, we just keep on finding solutions and getting new stuff out! But that’s our spirit, never surrender, never give up.

I’ll be introducing you to our new staff member in a few days (and update the website information as well) when the new release will be out.

I’m just anticipating that it will be no ordinary release, but a special one focussed on a very old request (it was among the first ones!) and it sounds INCREDIBLE, it will be a must have for all of you!

We’ve also a bit of news about the youtube videos, I’ll talk about them in the next post.

Stay tuned!!!

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We’re still looking for a Youtube administrator!

Just writing a quick post, actually a reminder, about our current situation.

My free time is getting scarcer every day as you can see I still haven’t found time to upload myself the videos of Vectorman on the youtube channel and this thing is going to slow down us quite a bit.

This afternoon I should have started recording a new release and instead I’ll have to upload the videos and postpone the release.

So please, if you have anyone who’s interested in what we’re doing and has a bit of experience in managing a youtube account, please let us know either in the forums or to me at [email protected]

Thanks for your patience and sorry about this inconvenience, I hope we’ll figure this out soon so we can start working at our full potential.

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News, changes, problems!

Hey everyone!

I’m writing to reassure you guys that the torrents for Vectorman will be out during this weekend as we all had a lot of work to go through this week.

Now I want to talk about how request works and how bad the decision of giving max priority to those that had been requested most has been.

Here’s the situation: there are a ton of request made more than 2 months ago that have yet to be fulfilled because there are some games (namely the most well-known franchises) that have (and will have!) a lot of requests and so they’ve become top priority while lesser known games has been left in the dust.

I hope that everyone agrees that this is not fair for those that have made a request a long, long time ago while they are still seeing other requests filled. This is clearly demoralizing.

So, here’s the change: from now on we’ll be putting out alternately the oldest request we have (despite how many times it has been seconded) and the most requested one.

I feel this is a more fair way of filling requests that should satisfy everyone, even those that ask for a lesser known game to be ripped. It may be subject to change again in the future, depending on how it works out.

I’d like to talk now about how many releases we’re going to put out every month realistically: as you all know, this is a free project and everyone do what they can, taking time away from their free time each day.
I was hoping we could accelerate the process and put a release out each week for a total of 4 releases per month but I’ve found out that it would be too much of an effort for all of us (keep in mind that while there are people in the project that are still studying and have a good amount of free time, there are others that work almost full time and have very little time for the project) so we’re going to decrease that to 3 releases per month, one each 10 days.

Also, I’d like to introduce the Fix Week.
As you may notice, there are flaws throughout the project: some tracks have been ripped badly, others are missing a loop, there some problems on the website/youtube channel, there are bad links in the games’ pages… this stuff takes time to be fixed (especially when there’s an entire game to be ripped again – yeah, I’m looking at you, Comix Zone) and will take time away from publishing a new release.
So, from time to time, there will be a Fix Week announced: during this week we’ll work hard towards fixing all the possible problems that you’ve pointed out so far and, as a consequence, eventual releases will be postponed.

Sadly, that’s not all.
Darktooth, our Youtube Administrator, left the project due to time issues and we are now (again) looking for a new admin: if you feel like you can handle the task, please let me know either by posting in the forums or sending me an email at [email protected]

On behalf of all the staff, we’d like to wish Darktooth good luck and, above all, a very big thank you for all he has done for us. You rock!

Phew, that’s another big wall of text, isn’t it?
Hopefully that will not become too much of an habit ;]

See ya guys!

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Vectorman soundtrack released and featured articles!


After a long, long time finally we have a new release out!

This time we have Jon Holland in da house rocking some serious electronica with Vectorman!
While the game may not be as iconic as Sonic or appealing as a Streets of Rage, its soundtrack is absolutely S rank.

I think this is the first videogame in the 16 bit era that has a well thought electronica soundtrack using different escamotages to overcome the Mega Drive’s sound chip limits.

To know what I’m talking about, please head over to our new Featured Articles section of the website you can find in the Menu: we have an exclusive interview with Jon who explains how the soundtrack has been created! That’s awesome stuff, you really need to check it out!

Onto the apologies: I know, I promised this release to be out by the end of the past week but we have undergone some serious work as you may (or may not) notice: The Equipment page is gone from the menu but you can still reach it through our FAQ page and in its place is now the aforementioned Featured Articles page where you can read all the articles written by our brave followers.

But that’s not all!
We have a new forum section too dedicated to the articles and that’s how you can submit one!
Yeah, you read that right: do you have some “insider” information that no one knows about a game? Do you want to write a review about one of our releases? Do you have some exclusive interview with someone who worked in the creation of a game?
Write an article for us! Submit it into our Featured Articles forum and if it’s good it may even make front page and be on our Articles page on the website!

Well, that’s quite a wall of text but these are amazing news for our project which keeps expanding and gaining popularity among the web and that’s awesome, just like our little, active community! You guys rock! :]

That’s all, there are a few more things coming, stay tuned so you don’t miss them!

P.S.: as always, the torrent download will be available shortly.

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