Our Forum platform sucks

I mean, I’m trying to do stuff and it is agonizingly slow, moving topic around is a pain, everything feels really sluggish.

I’m really hating it with a passion and that’s why tomorrow I’ll go full YOLO and install a new forum platform based off BBForum which (hopefully) will yield better results.

All the data will be migrated but I absolutely don’t give any kind of guarantee that it will go alright.

The user database is inside WordPress itself and as such you won’t have to register again but I make no promises that all your threads and posts will be migrated correctly.
I strongly encourage you to jot down the games you’ve requested so far because they may be lost during the migration.

Sorry about this sudden change, but I really couldn’t bear with this forum platform anymore.

The Forum will be locked down tomorrow at 14.00 CEST time so I can install the new platform and migrate all the data.

Hopefully everything will work out nicely and we’ll see again on the new boards tomorrow evening!

The quest for perfection

The quest for perfection

Probably someone already knew this because they saw the post I made yesterday on Facebook, but here we go…

I’m proud to announce you that our recording chain has been upgraded.

By now everyone knows how I strive to get perfect, flawless sound out of the source to provide you not only the most accurate soundtracks ever made, but with the best quality possible: it’s my personal quest, my mission to never stop improving the audio quality of our project and always taking it to the next level.
Lately I’ve received enthusiastic emails praising my work and that not only kept me going, but further pushed me to get even better results with my work to keep you amazed with our releases thus setting a new quality standard.

Well, enough with the talks, lets get down with the changes:

The most critical part, the audio interface, has been upgraded with a (definitely) better one: the TC Electronic Desktop Konnekt 6

Desktop Konnekt 6

What does this mean?
It means that from now on our releases will sound even better, cleaner, fuller, and more dynamic.

The changes doesn’t stop here: I’ve made some small adjustments to the Mega Drive/Genesis as well as the output level was a tad too high and was saturating the sound providing a little bit of distortion – now that’s fixed as well.
To reduce background noise the headphone socket has been replaced with a sturdy professional 6.3mm jack for perfect contact.

This also means that, for coherence matters, we will be ripping the games we’ve already released AGAIN since they needed to be reuploaded with proper cover artwork and HD Youtube video however.
Every time a game will get re-ripped and released you’ll know it because at the end of the game name there will be a REMASTERED- tag, meaning the the soundtrack has been updated.

News doesn’t stop here though.

Our staff member Roareye will be taking active part in the project by releasing Amiga games’ soundtracks following our principles:

  • 100% accuracy towards the source – what the source outputs is what you’ll hear, no filters or stuff added
  • Maximum recording quality – everything will be released in high resolution FLAC sampled at 96 Khz and 24 bit (and lower formats as well for convenience)

To achieve this, I’ll be sending him my previous recording equipment on a “long term loan” so he’ll be able to provide you guys Amiga soundtracks recorded with astounding quality.

This means that Roareye is now effectively the second admin of the project and will be working actively with me releasing Amiga soundtracks! Gratz!! :D
And that’s it for now guys… that’s a whole lot of news, hope you’re happy with how the project is evolving!

Stay tuned as a new release is coming out shortly and keep an eye out for these Remastered soundtracks! You won’t believe your ears. ;]

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Outrun Soundtrack: OST vs 16-bit Audiophile Project Release

Outrun Soundtrack: OST vs 16-bit Audiophile Project Release

Hi everyone and welcome to a new article written by the boss!

First, let me introduce the Outrun Original Soundtrack.
This has been taken from the Outrun 20th Anniversary Box which is an AWESOME box which includes a whooping 11 Discs of pure retro soundtrack bliss!

Each CD has the soundtrack of a certain version of Outrun (ie: Outrun, Outrunners, Outrun 2, etc…) played with either the arcade machine or the consoles it was ported on.

For this comparison, I’ve used the sixth CD which has the Mega Drive/Genesis version of both Outrun and Outrunners.

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Fix week!

Hi everyone,

It’s been a long long time since the last fix week happened and today I was casually browsing through some pages and posts and saw that most of them needed to be re-hauled or fixed in some ways (there are pages missing meta descriptions, tags and so on…).

Also now I have almost all the covers for the games we released in the past thanks to a huge effort by our staff member Truepack (thank you! You’re the best!) and I was thinking it was time to update all the game pages we’ve done so far at least with the new covers.

There are a lot of small things to do here and there and that’s why this week will be dedicated in taking care of all those things and, therefore, there won’t be another release.

I know this is a major disappointment for every one of you, I see there are requests that are more than 10 months old to be fulfilled (namely Red Zone and Elemental Master: I remember about you guys, don’t worry. I swear these will be out soon) but I absolutely want to take care of the above problems to keep the website clean and functional (and indexed by search engines).

Hoping that you’ll understand and have the patience, I’ll see you guys next week with a new, awesome release!